The revolution: DPF Regen to DPF HQ

Welcome to the revolution of DPF Regen – DPF HQ.

We recently re-branded our business and changed the name from DPF Regen to DPF HQ.

After being in business for more than 20 years, and acquiring the skills and expertise to truly identify as industry leaders, we believe that DPF HQ better encompasses the scope and ability of our company, as well as our vision for the future.

Currently, we use a technique that is fast, repeatable and reliable. However, we want to do more than deliver outstanding service, we want to partner with our industry colleagues to build an epicentre of DPF experts.

The future of the industry is dependent on our ability to apply innovative solutions that are sustainable. Looking to technological advancements and enhancing efficiencies that go far beyond DPF regeneration.

This vision is what drove us to rethink the name of our business – we are innovative, we are creative. We are DPF HQ.

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